About & Contact
Jenny Sammons is a visual artist and musician living in Fairfield, lowa. Her creative career started in jewelry design, and she owned a small, part-time, jewelry business for more than 15 years in Washington, D.C. In 2013, Sammons left her clerical job at the National Archives to focus on her passions: art and creativity. She moved to lowa to study art at Maharishi International University. Her affinity for pattern, color, and maximalism have migrated from her experience in jewelry design to her drawings and paintings. Sammons uses her art to decompress and practice self-care. Her intention was to use her time at MIU as an opportunity to heal from personal and generational trauma and to dive into herself emotionally and spiritually. The result has been that Sammons has experienced profound joy and fulfillment through her therapeutic creative practice, Over the past decade, Sammons has taught art, exhibited her work in galleries, and has developed a product line of home goods and accessories incorporating her work. In 2022, Sammons opened her own gallery in Fairfield where visitors are welcomed by appointment.
You can contact her at: jenny@jennysammonsart.com